Are you type of a person who works for a long period of time in a office? especially your hands are working with typewriters , keyboard etc? ... or even not working in an office but loves to go online using their computers doing chat , playing etc for a very very very long period of time.. well you might also encounter this syndrome which is commonly our hands experiencing some aches , and since I'm an I.T professional worker I used to experienced this aches in may hand sometimes , especially at the center of may palm , and then awhile ago I had watched a TV at channel 7 at "Mel and Joey" in which they featured about the "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome".
This happens when the median nerve of our hands is compressed at the wrist and then it will result to pain. You may try to look on this following links about the full details of this syndrome , diagnose and its treatments.
you can also refer to this site
another is
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