I just saw this post from a yahoo group where I joined and now I'd also like to re-post and share this to my readers. ==================================================================== Ever since I started using Hydrogen Peroxide to get rid of armpit stains, to clean cookie sheets, as a miracle cleaner in my kitchen and bathroom, and to make my own "oxi clean"…I ALWAYS have at least one bottle of the stuff under my kitchen sink, under my bathroom sink, AND in the laundry room. This stuff is amazingly versatile! But it wasn't until recently, after doing some IN DEPTH research on the subject, that I came to realize what a "miracle substance" hydrogen peroxide really is! It's safe, it's readily available, it's cheap, and best of all, it WORKS! It works for a LOT of stuff! Hydrogen peroxide should really be called oxygen water, since it is basically the same chemical make up as water but with an extra oxygen atom (H2O2). Because of this i...
It's all about random everyday encounters and experiences...